If there are product defects and / or performance losses in modules, the manufacturer’s guarantee terms must be checked.

We take care of the entire claim management and support manufacturers and system operators with the technical evaluation and processing.

Due to our vast ongoing experience operators benefit from fast, smoothly co-ordinated processes in the operational implementation, through direct communication between the manufacturer, project manager and shipping company, which avoids loss of information.


  • Project-specific clarification of the manufacturer’s guarantee conditions

  • Check the professional compliance with manufacturer specifications (e.g. permissible clamping area, use of original DC module plugs)

  • Qualitative and quantitative recording of the affected modules including image documentation and scanning of serial numbers
  • Work out individual sample quantities in accordance with ISO 2859-1

  • technical verification procedure for the argumentation of the guarantee claim, see measurement methods and screening
  • Process management with regard to notification of defects and submission of the guarantee case

  • communication with the manufacturer

  • Further evidence to clarify the warranty acceptance in the event of a dispute

  • Evaluation of comparison proposals or replacement module deliveries

  • Start of the optimisation process including adjustment of the electrical planning and clarification with network operators – see optimisation